Friday, 13 July 2012

Neat Trick to Keep Off the Pounds

In weight loss, losing the extra pounds is the easy part and the real challenge is keeping your body from regaining the weight that you loss. This statement isn’t exactly new and maybe you’ve heard of this a thousand times already, but I can assure you that there’s a lot of truth in this. I have already lost track how many times I’ve explained the way the human body reacts to weight loss, but just for the sake of being clear on the issue, here’s a brief explanation.

Your body is genetically predisposed to be on a certain weight range. Your body has a built-in mechanism that stops you from either losing too much or gaining too much weight in a short amount of time. That means your body won’t allow you to stray too far from your natural weight.
Let’s say you were able to lose a massive amount of weight through crash dieting. You can rest assured that after a week or so, your body will bombard your brain with urges to eat. Your metabolism will also slow down, making it harder for you to stop yourself from gaining back the weight through dieting.
That is why, if you want to be successful in keeping off the pounds, here’s something to keep in mind.

Be Realistic
How nice would it be if you could lose a quarter of your current weight? Imagine all those flabby fats from your arms, to your belly and your thigh disappearing in a few weeks. Well, that’s not going to happen. The first reason is that a sudden weight loss could be dangerous for your health. Also, scientific studies have shown that those huge weight losses are almost impossible to maintain. In fact, the number of people who were able to lose a huge amount of weight and who were able to stop themselves from regaining the weight is statistically insignificant.

So, how much weight loss is realistic, five percent? That means if you currently weigh 250 pounds, the highest chance for you to succeed in losing weight is to shed off only 12.5 pounds.
Now, you might be thinking, what difference would a 12.5 pounds make regarding your figure? Actually, it can mean a lot.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

When You Find Yourself Making Excuses

The reality of weight loss is that it is never easy. If you want those sexy abs and trimmed figure, it’s going to take a lot of effort, time and sacrifice. That is why throughout your dieting and exercise program, you’ll often find yourself looking for an excuse to skip a scheduled exercise or to eat something that’s totally out of your diet program. As previously said, losing weight is never easy and I can understand why many people find themselves trying to create an excuse to try to escape the diet and exercise programs that is a torture for them.

So what are the excuses you have to watch out for?

Being too busy to continue the exercise program.

This is perhaps the most common excuse when it comes to being unfaithful to your fitness program. There’s always a truth in this excuse. Why? Everyone is busy these days. Every individual who is striving to advance in his or her career will always be busy. Even a housewife is busy taking care of the family in today’s modern times. The only ones who aren’t busy are those without jobs.

So, if you find yourself making an excuse about being too busy, take a pause and ask yourself if there’s been a change to your schedule that could justify why you can’t follow the exercise program. If you find yourself guilty of making an excuse, think back and remember that losing weight and keeping healthy is one of your top priorities.

However, if you are indeed having trouble staying with your fitness program due to a change to your schedule, you can adjust your fitness program to cater to your new schedule. There are many fitness activities that could give the needed exercise that require less of your time

Way too costly.

Expense is definitely a valid reason that could stop you from following your dieting and exercise programs. Gym membership isn’t free, and the healthier foods are often more expensive to prepare. If you find making this kind of excuse, try to remind yourself that losing weight is about being healthy and out of many harmful diseases’ reach that could save you money in the long run.

These are only few of the many excuses you should avoid to achieve a healthy weight or having sexier body.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Understanding Calories in Your Body

Losing weight and having a toned belly that you have long desired is a battle. It’ll take a lot of effort in adjusting to a healthy lifestyle that incorporates regular exercises and proper diet. Remember that losing weight and keeping slim isn’t a one-week or one-month affair. If you really want to stay fit and healthy, it’ll be a lifelong dedication to a new and healthy lifestyle. It is in this battle wherein you will need all the weapons that you can get to aid you in achieving that healthy body weight and that dreamy figure. An exercise program that is tailored to your current lifestyle and a healthy diet that will satisfy your taste are your primary means of controlling your weight.

Another very important thing is knowledge. How so?

Let’s put it this way. If you want to fix your car’s engine, you’re going to need to know how a car engine works. You’ll need to know the reason why it’s not working as it should. 

On the subject of weight loss, you’ll need to understand what makes you fat and what you need to do to help stop you from gaining weight.

It’s all about the calories

Most people have this notion that calories equates to being fat. However, that it not true. A calorie is a unit of measurement for energy. In the context of weight loss, it is used as a unit to measure the amount of energy from the food we eat. It’s also used to measure the energy that is lost or “burned” when our body is performing any activity. In a sense, calorie isn’t the one that is making you fat.

Here’s how calories work, when we eat, we are taking in calories. When we undertake any activity, calories are burned. The problem now is that when we take in more calories than what our body uses, the excess energy will then be stored as fat.

Put bluntly, if a person is fat, it’s because he’s taking in more calories than what his body is using. So how do you deal with this?

The answer is quite simple. You can either decrease your calorie intake, or increase your calorie burning activities. Optimally, you can do both.
Also remember, decreasing your calorie intake doesn’t mean you’ll have to be hungry.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

How Much Meat is Neat?

As previously stated in one of my earlier posts, your diet shouldn’t make you skimp on specific nutrients that your body needs. Protein is one of the vital nutrients that our body needs for various functions aside from the widely known role in muscle repair, bone building and brain functions. This is why we must be able to regularly supply our body with protein.

On the subject of losing a belly fat, you’d still need protein if you want those washboard abdominal muscles that are developed and toned. In fact, protein can even speed up the process of your weight loss from exercising and dieting. Protein is needed for building muscles, and the more developed muscles will then consume a higher amount of calories that it becomes your fat burning tool. In diet, eating a protein rich diet will help you avoid getting hungry quicker. Why is this so? Here’s a rundown on how your body takes in food.

When you’re eating a carbohydrate-based diet, those carbohydrates are broken down into sugars, which will then increase your blood sugar level. The risk of this kind of diet is that when the blood sugar is heightened above normal levels, the body will release insulin to lower it. There will be times when the insulin released is higher than what is needed, thus resulting in low blood sugar and causing your body to crave for carbohydrates. This will make you hungry. This will make you suffer.

However, if you’re relying on a protein rich diet, you’re blood sugar won’t increase as much and you could avoid an insulin response that could make you hungry.  This will make you feel full for a longer amount of time, so you won’t crave so much.

Another benefit of protein is that your body will actually burn more calories during digestion.
So with all the good benefits of having protein in your diet, you’d wonder how much protein is ideal for you.
The answer is quite simple. It is suggested that having 30 percent of your daily calorie intake should come from protein. That means if your recommended daily calorie intake is 2000, you must take in 600 calories from protein. 600 calories translates to 150grams of protein.

So there’s your number, 150grams of protein.

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Kicking Off the Fat in Boot Camp

There are many reasons why the usual exercise programs just won’t work for someone who wants to lose weight or that belly fat. Aside from having not enough time to go to the gym regularly, another simple reason is that for others, regular workout in the gym just isn’t their cup of tea. Achieving and maintaining a flatter belly can take months, and even years of working out in the gym. Obviously, doing all those same routines for a long period time can get pretty boring. Boredom can make the whole conquest of having that sexy stomach a very excruciating experience.

If this is happening to you, you might need a change of pace in your fitness activities. Fitness experts can provide you with various options to spice up your workouts or even suggest different programs or activities. One of the options that you’ll hear about is a boot camp.
Boot camps can give you a different kind of motivation, and definitely a different of experience from that of your regular trips to the gym. Today’s fitness boot camps originated from the basic military training for soldiers. 

So, what makes a boot camp a great alternative to your usual exercise activities?

A boot camp workout can help you burn lots of calories in a very short span of time. This is achieved by chaining different kinds of high-intensity exercises with the very minimal rest in between. The exercises that are included are also designed to provide a full body workout.

It’s impossible for a boot camp to get bored with so many different exercises involved. There are fitness experts that hold boot camps wherein you’ll be with people who are also aspiring to lose weight. You will need to cooperate and compete with each other which make it an experience with a whole lot of fun. Your peers can be your source of motivation as each one of you will be working out to your maximum capacity.

If you have a busy lifestyle, a boot camp becomes even better. There’s no strict schedule to follow and you can do it whenever you have a free weekend or a holiday.
So, if you want to spice up your workout and welcome a challenge, then a boot camp can be just right for you.

Monday, 25 June 2012

Step One To a Flatter Belly: Getting Off the Couch

Often times, I get to talk to people with weight problems. They tell me about their struggle to lose weight and that nothing seems to work for them. So for me to get a better picture of the problem, I asked them a series of questions that’ll help me see where the problem lies. The problem always boils down to two things, a dieting program that’s not tailored for their taste and a lifestyle that excludes the necessary exercise. It could be one of the two, or both.

A diet program can easily be adjusted to suit one’s taste, to make it easier to follow. Exercise on the other hand is much harder to incorporate to certain lifestyles.

“I don’t have the time.” This is the most overused excuse for the people I’ve talked to. It’s a convenient excuse. However, it’s because of this excuse that many are suffering from overweight issues such as a fat belly. While it is true that we don’t have all the time to do all the things we want, there’s absolutely something that can be done to insert the needed exercise to whatever lifestyle we have. Here are some steps to take to be able to add exercise to your life.

Evaluate and create a list of all your daily activities and the time you spend in each one. As much as possible, be accurate with the details. You might find an activity that is not so important yet takes so much of your time.

Let’s be honest here. How many hours do you spend each day sitting on the couch and watching TV? How about the time spent in front of the computer? As you are reading now, how many hours have you spent today browsing through the internet? 

These are just a few of the many things you regularly do that you need to cut some time from. All those hours watching TV shows, following friends on social networking sites or playing video games, cut some time off those things and allocate it to a physical activity.

You could take a jog for 30 minutes around your neighborhood. If you’re bored with jogging, there’s biking and other activities.

If you want to lose weight or lose the belly fat, start by getting off the couch.

Friday, 22 June 2012

Losing Weight and Finding the Ideal Diet

Weight Loss

Developing the proper diet to go with an exercise program is a great way to speed up the process of your weight loss. You might have heard from other people or one of your close friends telling you about a diet that really works. You’re then tempted to try it out, thinking that if it worked for them, then it would certainly work for you. Not so fast. You see, the fact of the matter is that

There’s no one diet program that will work for everyone.

Just because others were able to adjust to the diet, doesn’t mean it will be a breeze for you. If you want to find a diet program that will work for you, it must be a program that you can stick to for a long time. What often happens to many dieters is that the diet plans they plan to follow are so far off from their natural eating habits. That is why following the new diet plan is hard to follow, making them prone to reverting to their old eating habits, and regaining whatever weight that was lost during the time they were struggling to follow that diet plan.

Contrary to what many believed in your experienced, a dieting program doesn’t have to be a continuous torture for your mind and body. You only have to

Find a diet that goes well with your lifestyle and the foods you enjoy.

This way, there is no need to make any drastic changes to what you are currently comfortable with. This way, it will be easier for you to follow your diet plan and losing weight can become less of a struggle. Now, that is the ideal diet plan. It’s something you can follow not only for a few months or years, but a plan that you’re comfortable with even if you follow it your whole life. Sounds good right? So, where do you start to find that elusive diet plan for you?

You can look into various diet regimens and evaluate those to find the one that you think you can get comfortable with. If a plan stops you from eating what you enjoy, then that’s not the one for you.
Another method, and perhaps the best one, is to find a nutritionist who will create a plan for you while considering those foods that you enjoy and your lifestyle. 

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Thursday, 21 June 2012

Stringent Dieting Is Never the Solution to Your Problematic Belly

One time, you looked at the mirror to see your flabby stomach. You feel appalled by the very sight of it that you’d thought of starving yourself to teach that problematic belly some lesson. Let me tell you right here that it’s not going to work.

Starving yourself won’t get rid of that plump belly.

Stringent dieting is one of the worst methods to try to reduce your stomach fat. Starving yourself means you’re denying your body the required nutrition that it needs to keep functioning well. If you’re working, your productivity could be negatively affected. Your reduced energy will stop you from doing things that you enjoy like spending time doing fun activities with families or friends or pursuing your hobbies.

Diets that emphasize one type of food over the others have been known to cause serious health problems and complications that have been implicated in some deaths. While it is possible to lose several pounds quickly on a “crash” diet, the actual effect of the method to the body is in fact shedding only water, not fat, and the lost weight could come back just as quickly as it was lost, without even showing any physical improvements to your figure. It’s also important to remember that,

Weight Loss isn’t always the way to have a good-looking belly.

Exercise is the most effective and healthy alternative to stringent dieting. Exercise has been shown to increase enzymes that help burn fat. In fact, there are studies that have shown that 30 percent of the initial weight lost from dieting comes from muscle tissue. That is why, if ever you have tried stringent dieting, you might have experienced having less strength. Exercise, on the other hand, increases muscle tone while decreasing fat. In the case of your belly fat, exercise can prevent the sagging the often results from loss of muscle tissue while dieting. To have a good-looking belly, the abdominal muscles must be toned, and

Exercise is the only way to a flat and toned belly.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Genetics and Your Belly Fat

Is there any chance that any effort you put into losing that belly fat could be futile? Could it be possible that the hope of getting a slimmer figure and looking sexy is just an illusion?

For decades, there have been uncountable numbers of scientific research focused on gaining a better understanding on the subject of obesity. One of the things that we’ve learned from these researches shows the role of genetics to the weight of any individual.

What does this mean?

Simply, our body weight can be genetically predisposed. There are already studies that have conclusively shown that an individual’s body size is genetically coded. This is the primary reason why there are people who succeed in shedding off weight, but regain what was lost after only a few months. However, this does not mean that your genes are guaranteed to lead you to the downward spiral of getting fatter and fatter.

The human body is programmed to resist any major weight changes. The same mechanism that stops you from getting so thin also tries to stop you from gaining too much weight. Going by that, it would seem that the battle against a fat belly would only lead to a stalemate.

Not quite. When I mentioned about the people who lose weight just to gain them again, it was directed to those who rely solely on dieting to shed off weight. If you’re looking for a permanent weight loss, you can’t rely only on dieting. Given the fact that our bodies are genetically programmed to be in a certain weight range, it doesn’t mean that you have to be fat.

Time and time again, exercise proved to be the most effective way in controlling weight. Exercise, especially weight training, will increase the body’s muscle mass. This plays a huge role in burning fat as the muscles require more energy, thus speeding up the body’s metabolism.

In doing muscle building exercises, some will notice a little-to-no difference in their weight. This is due to the fact that muscle tissues have more mass. That is why in light of the relation between genetics and weight, it’s becoming important to focus not only on the amount of weight lost, but to the over health of the body.
One doesn’t have to be paper-thin just to look good. With exercise, coupled with the right diet, you could lose the belly fat without having to lose so much weight.

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